"Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic."
- Tim Noakes
To kick start July, I did my longest ride ever. 80 miles! I'd had enough of all the hills and decided to do this one on my own, starting in Shirlington and riding the W&OD trail all the way out to Purcellville and back. I also got my first Ironman training injury, around mile 60 of this ride:
This HURT! It was a long 20 miles back to the car! |
The next morning, it poured rain on Paula and me as we did our long run and crossed 3 states -- started in Virginia, ran through Georgetown in DC, and then up the Capital Crescent trail and into Maryland:
The picture does not do justice to how wet we were! |
One week later, I did my new longest ride ever,
my first century! 100 miles! And I ended up with my second training injury:
No idea how I hurt myself - it didn't hurt - I had to be told I was bleeding. |
Sometimes we did our long runs in the evening after work -- a makeup run after skipping it the previous weekend -- oops. That might have been a lesson learned based upon how sore I was on Friday at the office. People stared at me using my stick roller on my calves and ice pack on my ankle all day! I did this run with Paula, but only took a selfie as I finished a few minutes ahead of her. I was pleased with this performance, being able to go under 15 min/mi while doing 2 min run + 1 min walk intervals:
Holy blisters! Luckily none of them hurt, just make my feet look disgusting. |
We also ran in very HOT weather! This was a mid-week run and I opted to skip the team's Power Run that was on the schedule (1 mile run + 10 min boot camp circuit, repeat 3 times) for a shaded trail run with Jessie, Eileen and Henry. It was still ridiculously hot though:
This was the one time I forgot my Garmin... luckily I had my phone, but it's WEIRD running without my Garmin! |
I drove down to Cambridge with my team to ride the Ironman Maryland course. Of course it was another hot day! It was supposed to be a 110 mile ride, 2 laps of 45 miles each plus 1 additional 20 mile loop. I only made it the 2 loops of 45 miles. One of my teammates, Adele, talked to me and told me I needed to listen to my body, that I seemed dehydrated and done. I'd wanted to do triple digits though, so I climbed back on and set out for an out-and-back. About a mile and a half down the road, I realized that my will to be off that bike was greater than my will to do triple digits. So, 93 miles it was. I don't regret it:
Love how they label the one hill of the course :-) |
And that wraps up July. Plugging along, plugging along.... I've actually biked over 1100 miles so far this year, by far the most bike mileage I've ever done (In 2014, I was just under 700 miles for the year).
It's hard to believe there's less than 2 months to go. I'm not sure if that excites me or terrifies me... one more month of hard work and then taper!
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