So, HurricaneMan turned into CanceledMan. It felt like we all got sucker-punched last Wednesday afternoon when we got the news. I'd had some conversations earlier that day about being nervous about the weather, and wondering if they were going to cancel the swim. I'm not sure why it never occurred to me that they would cancel the whole thing. It wasn't until Coach Ed sent an email earlier that day saying something about "don't worry, if the race gets canceled, I will try to get your team dinner money refunded"...
cause you know, that $17 was what I was really worried about!
Photo someone posted of the Choptank on Oct 3.. glad we didn't have to swim in that! |
I was already at home when the official word came through. Since Ed's email, I put off doing my final Target run or finishing up the last couple bits of packing, and was just sitting around waiting for the word. I was stunned. Disappointed would be putting it mildly. Then, I jumped to action. One thing in the announcement from Ironman was that they were considering postponing the race until Oct. 17. This was good news (and unprecedented in Ironman history... usually canceled means canceled, period). I tried to move my house rental to the new possible weekend, but no luck. Joann and I started alerting everyone who had travel plans and hotel reservations so they could make the appropriate plans. We needed to find lodging for the potential new date. Etc, etc, etc.
Another photo someone posted... The bike course is under water! |
I knew I had a backup plan (for if the swim was canceled, I'd head down to Beach 2 Battleship in NC for that race on the 17th), so I knew my dream of attempting 140.6 wasn't completely shattered. It pleased me that Coach Ed sent out a message to the team considering the same backup race, in the event IMMD isn't rescheduled, so that would become a team race. I talked to Kate and Maddison and we were all in agreement, we would do IMMD if rescheduled, and B2B otherwise. So now it's a waiting game, scrambling around making plans in Cambridge and Wilmington for the 17th (luckily I found a home owner in Cambridge willing to agree to a full refund if the race isn't held), and.... the hardest part, getting mentally back in the game for 2 more weeks of training.

I stayed home Thursday and Friday. Somebody on Facebook put it perfectly saying that Wednesday was a whirlwind, and Thursday was the day to wallow. And I did just that, didn't get out of my pajamas all day. I'm glad Joann suggested that I stay home from work those days even though there was no race. Friday, I knew it was time to get back into it, and was on my way to the pool when Coach Ed sent an email with our revised training plan for the next 2 weeks. So, I turned the car around and hopped on the trainer for 90 minutes.
Trainer rides are not my thing. At all. Luckily there was a new episode of Grey's Anatomy to watch for an hour (yes, I watched the commercials too, just to drag it out). I was so impressed with myself for getting this done, even though I knew I had a tough weekend ahead. Since the storms were still rolling around, the team planned for indoor
workouts all weekend. Indoor track for Saturday's run and group spin on
Sunday. Ugh.

Luckily when I woke up on Sunday it wasn't that bad and I was able to get in 3 hours of run / walk / shuffle outside. It was chilly and misting, but definitely not too bad. Sunday though, was a completely different story. I headed up to Frederick to attempt biking outside. It was chilly but not cold, and not raining at all. Yet, I just could not get into this workout. I had so many layers on, it was hard to get into the aero position, and my wrists were hurting from gripping my handlebars in my full-fingered gloves. I had already swapped out the cassette in preparation for a flat course which Frederick is not. I stopped after 15 minutes and wanted to quit. Then I found a housing development with flat roads and rode in small circles (think less than 1/4 mile) for half an hour, before deciding to pack up and head back. One hour total, and I was frustrated, feeling like I failed.
One hour outside, three hours inside... oy. |
I texted Sweeney because of all people, I figured Mr. Anti-Excercise was the most likely to give me a free pass and tell me it's OK that I didn't finish this workout. I was wrong. He made me promise to get on my bike trainer when I got home. Fine, but don't expect me to stay on that for too long, definitely won't be making my 4 hours total for the day! But.. after a wonderful lunch with my mom, I drove home and I indeed got on the bike trainer. And I stayed on it for THREE WHOLE HOURS!!! This was the toughest thing I have ever done, mentally. Thank goodness for football. I felt very accomplished - and very tired - at the end of this, and was so hungry that I even ate a McDonald's cheeseburger (cause that's where Jon was going for dinner)!

So here I am at taper.. again. I thought I was done with morning swim practices for awhile, but nope! I'm back at it for 2 more weeks. And not-so-patiently waiting for Ironman's announcement that they promise by 6pm tomorrow (Tuesday). Time to revisit my wardrobe choices and possibly prepare for some cooler weather provisions.
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